Outfit of the Day: School Uniform (Part 3)

12:57 Unknown 0 Comments

As a rule, I'm always in a good mood on Fridays. Hence, I like to wear outfits which are a little jazzier than, say, Tuesday's outfit. So, this Friday morning, out went the regular, dull black and beige chinos, in came the fancy burgundy ones. In place of a plain or plainly patterned shirt I threw on a snazzy Aztec style short sleeved shirt. I'm still not entirely sure what print it is, or where it actually comes from for that matter, but it looks really striking when contrasted against the luxurious shades of dark red I wore it with. I found a dark, wine red tie, cropped at the end with floral patterned sections, to go with the shirt. On top of it all, I wore a dark grey tweed jacket, with very subtle red highlights, which I thought went really nicely with the red trousers and tie, and contrasted well with the shirt. As always, a solid, versatile pair of brogues discreetly compliment the look. Hope you enjoy!