Prep Look
I really have my sister to thank for this outfit. She combined shirt, tie and cardy to create a '1980s preppy' look, and I, her perpetual long-suffering model, actually quite liked it. The shoes I wear very often- a sensible pair of smart-looking brogues are a staple part of my shoe collection, always look good with dark trousers. The skinny black chinos are smart, bordering on casual. The cardigan was a bit of a dark horse. Initially we'd chosen a dark grey blazer to complete the look, but (and not on my recommendation, I must admit) this was replaced by the fuzzy grey cardigan just before I put it on. The messiness of the grey and black always reminds me of the blizzard-like snow screen you used to get on old VCR players, or on analogue TVs when you couldn't connect to a channel.
The relative dullness of the grey and black, which covers almost all of the body, contrasts fabulously with the rich colours of the tartan shirt and broad, vintage style tie. You can't really see it in these pictures, but the shirt, which I found at Rockit in Camden for only £5, is frilled slightly, which looks very snazzy, sort of like (what I have aptly named) 'Highlands meet Disco.'